Tuesday 26 November 2013

Portraiture Questions-Tony Vaccaro

How has portraiture changed since the invention of the instant photograph?

In my personal opinion the major change in has been the ability to capture the emotion of the moment. To be more specific, before cameras brought the ability to take an instant photo most portraiture was done through painting, this took a substantial amount of time and effort and the people being painted would often change facial or bodily expression throughout the course of the process. But as photographers such as Tony Vaccaro managed to capture, the camera brought a new dimension to portraiture.

Tony Vaccaro became famous initially for his work during WW2, as a front line soldier who carried a camera with him at all times, he was able to capture some of the most shocking images from the course of the entire war. It is mostly thanks to him that we in modern times have such a good understanding of the horrors that men and women went through during those dark years in foreign countries.  Born in Greenburg, Pennsylvania in December 1922, Vaccaro grew up in his families native Italy, before moving back to the States to escape the facist reigeim of Mussolini, he then joined the U.S army in 1943, and shipped back to Europe once again in 1944.

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